Register your Emotional Support Animal and Receive all the Benefits

Emotional Support Animal Registration


About You:

Animal Info:


Please make sure the photo is clear, bright, and mostly the face of your dog so you can get the best quality ID card.


Why Register Your Emotional Support Animal with ADA Service Animals?

Registering your Emotional Support Animal (ESA) with ADA Service Animals provides essential tools and resources to protect your rights and enhance your everyday life. Here’s what you’ll gain by choosing us:

  • Personalized ESA ID Card
    Your registration includes an ID card featuring your ESA’s photo and essential details about their status, along with legal information about your rights as an ESA owner. This card is an effective way to help you identify your ESA to others.
  • Certificate of Registration
    You’ll receive a certificate verifying your ESA’s inclusion in one of the largest online databases in the U.S. This certificate is a valuable document for your records and quick reference when needed.
    24/7 online verification.
  • Discount on ESA Prescription Letter Consultations
    If federal legal protection under the Fair Housing Act requires you to present a Prescription Letter for an Emotional Support Animal, registered members receive an exclusive $50 discount on consultations with licensed mental health professionals.

Benefits of Registration Include

  • Animal ID Card that has your animal’s photo and information as well as legal information about your rights. Present this if someone questions the validity of your emotional support animal.
  • Certificate with your animal’s name verifying its registration in the largest online database in the U.S. for your records.
  • Owners of emotional support animals registered with us will have their rights protected with the help of our on-staff attorneys.
  • After registering with us, if you are later required to get a Prescription Letter for an Emotional Support Animal that would allow you to live with your animal, you will receive $60.00 discount off a consultation with a licensed mental health practitioner at that time. Click here to see if you qualify for a consultation!

Are you and your Emotional Support Animal protected by Law?

This registration may be sufficient when presented to individuals in your everyday life. The ID Card, in addition to a vest, collar tag, and leash, many times go unquestioned. However, in order to receive federal legal protection for you and your ESA, Federal Law requires that you present your Prescription Letter for an Emotional Support Animal to your landlord. If you are in need of a Prescription Letter for an Emotional Support Animal, Click here to schedule a consultation and speak with a licensed mental health professional in your state today. If approved, you will receive your letter the same day and you will have the peace of mind that you and your ESA are protected under the Fair Housing Act. If you previously registered with us, you will receive $60.00 discount off a consultation with a licensed mental health practitioner at that time.